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Richard Schmidt and Peggy Apgar'Schmidt Meeting
with Lee County Attorneys and Community Development Staff

November 18th, 2003 - Lee County Attorney's Office

Purpose: Provide information to County Staff that demonstrates how individual property rights and the public health, safety, and welfare are adversely affected by the continued use of the Corkscrew Mining Venture's (aka Corkscrew Westwind Mine) IPD. Provide information about the adverse effects of dewatering in the DRGR. Provide information and evidence of possible misrepresentations, mistakes of fact, or lack of due diligence while reporting information to Lee County when obtaining said IPD in 2001.


Peggy Apgar'Schmidt
Richard Schmidt
Kevin Hill
Robert Apgar, Esq.
Ralf Brooks, Esq.
Sydney Bacchus, PhD
Timothy Hazlett, PhD
Timothy Jones, Esq. Lee County Attorney's Office
Donna Marie Collins, Esq. Lee County Attorney's Office
Mary Gibbs Community Development
Pete Eckenrode Community Development
Paul O'Connor Lee County Planning
Alvin "Chip" Block Community Development
Roland Ottolini Natural Resources
Luis Molina Utilities


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